Chinmaya Geeta Chanting Competition

A unique program that began as a BV activity, but expanded to include the participation of all age groups, is the Chinmaya Gita Chanting Competition. Swami Chinmayananda's brainchild to motivate children around the world to open the Gita and learn to chant its verses came with the progressive strategy to chant-study-know-live the Gita. Children, parents, and grandparents have thus been encouraging each other to participate in this healthy competition, of which the underlying goal is spiritual evolution.
Today, while there are many local organizations that conduct a similar event, none can match the vision, knowledge, love, and training that Mission acharyas and sevaks bring to the table. Over the years, this competition also has been held on various levels: regional, city, state, national, and international (during the 50th-Year Celebrations of the Chinmaya Movement). From inception in the early 1980s to date, the Chinmaya Gita Chanting Competition, annually conducted in regional Mission centres around the world, has seen over six million participants.