Chinmaya Yuva Kendra (CHYK)

Spirit of CHYK
The youth have always been symbols of bountiful energy, ambitious dynamism, inspiring creativity, and dauntless courage. To uplift themselves and their world, to awaken harmony within and without, to apply their vibrant energy for the betterment of society, they only require a noble cause, a high ideal, a sense of deep devotion, and the right channels of service.
Chinmaya Yuva Kendra, or CHYK, is the global youth wing of Chinmaya Mission (ages 14-28 years). It aims to help youth discover their hidden potential and tap into its infinite source at will. From the inner unravelling of young minds, personalities of wisdom, beauty, and universality beam forth. Through their shared light of righteous actions, noble principles, and compassionate hearts can the world at large come to bask in the harmony of Oneness.
What started in 1975 as a small youth forum in Bangalore has now evolved into a global, dynamic, organized body that promotes personal spiritual unfoldment, varying social services, and integrated leadership skills. Spanning over 120 cities on four continents, CHYK has helped thousands of youth transform themselves and their world on multifarious levels.

Vision of CHYK
CHYK Motto: Harnessing Youth Potential through Dynamic Spirituality
CHYK Mission Statement: To empower youth with the vision, values, and dynamism for success in all fields.
Swami Chinmayananda founded CHYK with the vision of helping youth realize their latent and infinite inner potential. Having created for them a conducive atmosphere of learning, and to guide them in their spiritual studies and growth he encouraged them to test the logic and practicality of Vedantic scriptural teachings through applications in daily life. This emphasis on knowledge through application he called, ‘Spirituality in Action’ or ‘Dynamic Spirituality,’ and its tradition in CHYK continues to date.
Know that Yuva Kendra is the bow, and a pure mind is the sharpened arrow. Your goal should be (knowledge of) the Self and welfare of the world. Like the arrow (that hits its target), may you become one with the goal.

Chinmaya Yuva Kendra, like the bow, is the means and not the end. The sharpened arrow symbolizes purity of mind and clarity of vision. While serving the world, one should (first) take care of one's self-unfoldment. After you free yourself by yourself (attain Self-realization), do not forget the goal that should be reached. May you be one with the goal to serve one and all.
- Swami Tejomayananda, Head of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide

CHYK Activities
  • Study Classes
  • CHYK Curriculum
  • Camps and Workshops
  • Social Service Projects
  • Cultural Arts
  • Field Trips
  • CHYK Magazine

Study Classes
In order to seek and discover one’s higher potential within, CHYK focusses on spiritual growth and scriptural studies of Advaita Vedanta through study classes.
CHYK study classes are interactive reading and discussion sessions where participants study a Vedantic text based on the syllabus developed by Swami Chinmayananda and supplemented by Swami Tejomayananda. Trained moderators and class coordinators guide students to reflect deeply, examine critically, and debate positively based on their comprehension and personal experiences. Through such contemplation, students gain a more meaningful and practical insight into scriptural texts, and come to live the teachings on the strength of their convictions.

CHYK Curriculum
The CHYK study curriculum, developed by Swami Chinmayananda, and further enhanced by Swami Tejomayananda, has been given below in the order of study.
All listed texts are Chinmaya publications and may be ordered through your nearest Chinmaya Mission centre.

Junior CHYK (Ages 14-18 years)
Study TextStudy Period
The Game of Life2 months
I Love You Letters3 months
Hanuman Chalisa4 months
The Art of God Symbolism3 months
The Art of Living1 year
Bhaja Govindam6 months

Total Study Period 2 1/2 years

CHYK (Ages 19-24 years)
Study TextStudy Period
A Manual of Self-Unfoldment1.5 years
The Art of Man-Making2 years
We Must6 months
Vibhishana Gita1months
Sadhana Panchakam2 months
Right Thinking1 months

Total study period: 4 ½ years

Each CHYK study class is for 90 minutes and the time must be utilised as follows:
First 15 minutes chanting
1 hour discussion
Last 15 minutes to read few pages from “At every breath a teaching” and “Journey of the Master” for Junior CHYK; “Wanderings in the Himalayas” for CHYKs between 19-24 years.

Camps and Workshops
From residential retreats, to one-day workshops, to seminars, symposia, debates, and competitions, CHYKs around the world have continued to think outside the box and organize unique, creative events, with catchy themes, relevant topics, and intriguing activities, to help exploit and unfurl all of one’s personality layers: physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual.
While CHYK events differ enormously in style and content, the purpose and result of positive and uplifting energy that characterizes every CHYK activity pervades each event organizer, participant, and spectator alike. All CHYK special events are planned and organized under the auspices of Chinmaya Mission's host of acharyas, who constantly motivate, guide, channelise, and strengthen CHYKs on their journey of inner purity and evolution. One such special event was the National Gita Quiz conducted in India for tens of thousands of participants.

Social Service Projects
Dynamic spirituality is best exemplified through the various social service projects CHYKs have served and fundraised for over the years. Countless CHYKs regularly undertake teaching value-based living to children and teenagers in slums, organizing and serving at eye clinics in remote villages, planning and managing mobile medical services, and conducting blood drives for various blood banks and hospitals.

Cultural Arts
Be it music, dance, drama, or even finance, marketing, and event management, CHYK serves as a motivating resource for youth to develop their talents in service of something greater than themselves.
While the public at large benefits from uplifting musical performances and grand theatrical productions, the true beneficiaries are the CHYK performers and organizers who get the opportunity to express themselves and fundraise to serve hundreds of thousands through the Mission’s numerous social service projects.

Field Trips
“Before I knew about CHYK, I always used to focus on my limits. Now I know that I am limitless.”
CHYK field trips are some of the most physically adventurous and spiritually uplifting activities, for they promote stimulating teamwork, striking confidence, exceptional leadership, and lasting friendships. Whether under the cloak of rigorous trekking, white water rafting, mountain climbing, or motorcycle rallies, CHYKs are focussed on Vedantic teachings, and ready and confident to break their mental boundaries, act fearlessly through right channelling of energy, and strengthen their powers of concentration, endurance, and laughter. Through their CHYK adventures, participants gain personal insights into the Vedantic truth that man’s true nature is limitless and filled with infinite potential.

CHYK Magazine
CHYK’s reputed and inspiring international monthly magazine, Chinmaya Udghosh, has continually evolved over the years in style and content. Filled with CHYK news and events, thought-provoking articles and interviews, inspiring anecdotes, and striking messages, quotes, and Q&A on spirituality, universality, philosophy, ethics, and leadership, readers the world over have benefitted from this CHYK work of art and heart.
Subscription rates are nominal. The magazine is printed in Chennai, India, and subscription rates vary, based on national and international mailing costs.

Chinmaya Udghosh Subscription Rates
Subscription rates: 1 year Rs 200 (within India); US$ 25 (Overseas)
Cheque / Demand draft to be drawn in favour of “Chinmaya Udghosh” payable at Chennai.
Kindly add Rs 30 for outstation cheques and US$ 2 for overseas cheques towards bank transaction charges
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